
  • €1,089m fair value
  • 15,500 users
  • €65m annual rental income
  • 213 properties
  • 287,800 m² surface
  • 6.0% gross yield

Aedifica has been active in Finland since the Group joined forces with Hoivatilat, a Finnish company with nearly 15 years of experience in designing, developing and leasing innovative healthcare real estate concepts tailored to the needs of its occupants, in the beginning of 2020.

Aedifica’s portfolio in Finland includes care homes, children day-care centres, schools and specialist residential care centres. In addition, Hoivatilat is also developing ‘service communities’. A service community is an innovative residential care concept that provides the ideal environment to combine multiple types of care and services for both the building’s users and the community at large on a single campus. In a service community, for example, elderly care and childcare are combined on one campus that is specifically designed to enrich the lives of its users by creating various opportunities for them to meet and share experiences.

Our presence in Finland will further increase in the coming years due to our development pipeline.

Our properties

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“The regularity with which we add new projects to our development pipeline highlight the continued appetite of Finnish care operators and cities for our real estate concepts. As the demand for our care properties remains high, we look forward to further developing our activities in Northern Europe. Together we create a better society.”
Atte Niittylä – CEO of Hoivatilat Finland